Altar servers assist the priests at Sunday Mass, weddings, funerals, Benediction, and the Stations of the Cross. Altar serving is open to boys and girls in the parish beginning in the 5th grade. Altar servers must attend a series of training sessions and make a commitment to serve at the times they are scheduled. The training sessions take place in the Summer of the fourth grade year. Through serving at the Altar of Jesus Christ, the server participates in the public worship of the Church and learns more about the life and work of the Catholic priest.
Altar server training is offered for boys and girls, current fourth graders or older, who are interested in becoming committed, attentive and punctual servants of Christ at the altar.
Training is done in small groups of five or six. Trainees must commit to attend all three mandatory 90-minute sessions. The next upcoming training program dates are to be determined. Admittance to the program (1) is first-come, first-served and (2) requires a commitment to attend all three training sessions.
If your son or daughter is interested, or if you have any questions, please contact our office at