Ministry of the Word–Lector
St. Agnes invites registered members of the parish, adult and youth, who are skilled in public speaking and would like to serve as lector to consider our Ministry of the Word program. Our lectors proclaim the Word of the Lord at daily, Sunday, and Holy Day Masses; read the responsorial Psalm at the 7:30 am Sunday Mass; and the General Intercessions at all the Masses. Rotation through all masses allows the lector to become familiar with each congregation. Careful and thoughtful preparation of the assigned readings is essential. The lector must be in the Sacristy at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass. Workshops are scheduled to assist lectors in improving and honing their skills.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Following the 10:00 am Sunday Mass, the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion rotate taking communion to the sick and homebound, read the day’s scriptures and pray with them. The ministers are appointed by the pastor and attend a diocesan training session, Eucharistic Ministers serve a three year tenure.
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priests at Sunday Mass, weddings, funerals, Benediction, and the Stations of the Cross. Altar serving is open to boys and girls in the parish beginning in the 5th grade. Altar servers must attend a series of training sessions and make a commitment to serve at the times they are scheduled. The training sessions take place in the Summer of the fourth grade year. Through serving at the Altar of Jesus Christ, the server participates in the public worship of the Church and learns more about the life and work of the Catholic priest.
Altar server training is offered for boys and girls, current fourth graders or older, who are interested in becoming committed, attentive and punctual servants of Christ at the altar.
Training is done in small groups of five or six. Trainees must commit to attend all three mandatory 90-minute sessions. The next upcoming training program dates are to be determined. Admittance to the program (1) is first-come, first-served and (2) requires a commitment to attend all three training sessions.
If your son or daughter is interested, or if you have any questions, please contact our office at
Ushers have a vital role in the celebration of the liturgy. It is their duty to provide a warm welcome and assistance, if needed, to parishioners and visitors to St. Agnes. Ushers main duties include taking up the collection, directing traffic during communion and cleaning up after Mass. Ushers are more than doorkeepers; they are “doors” giving open access to the warmth of holy fellowship in the Spirit of Jesus.