Announcement Guidelines and Deadlines

Thank you for your desire to make an announcement about an activity or event to our parish community. While we know every announcement or event is important, we take great care to ensure that our parishioners are informed without being overwhelmed. We want everyone’s information to really shine and so we have developed the following guidelines to help do just that:

BULLETIN: Reserved for parish-sponsored activities, apostolate or ministry announcements, and diocesan/other parish news. All submissions must be received at least 10 days before the bulletin weekend’s Saturday.  All submissions are subject to the pastor’s approval.

WEBSITE: The news section and homepage rotating images are reserved for parish-sponsored activities and ministry announcements. When space allows, we will also post announcements about diocesan-sponsored events or activities. No announcements for other parishes. Please submit your announcement at least 5 business days prior to your desired publish date.

EMAILS: These are targeted message to the youth and young adult segments of our parish family.  Only parish-sponsored announcements and events or news relevant to these groups are included. 

WELCOME TEAM EMAILS: These are also targeted messages to the newest members of our parish family.  New parisioners receive a series of strategic emails delivered on a schedule based on when the new parishioner registers.  These serve as an orientation of sorts to parish life at Saint Agnes.  Emails in the Welcome Series are intended to be timeless or evergreen in nature, but periodically the Welcome Team also sends more dated messages for events that new parishioners would benefit or invitations for new parishioners to volunteer and get involved.