Facility and event status changes will be announced on the parish website www.saintagnes.org or the parish telephone announcement (703-525-1166).
Sunday Mass
In the Event of Severe Snowfall …
Please do not feel obligated to participate at Sunday Mass during inclement weather. Please use good judgment. We do not want you to place yourselves, or others, at risk.
All baptized Catholics are obliged to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. However, there are particular circumstances or conditions that may excuse a Catholic from this obligation. If you are ill, homebound, or if there are severe weather conditions that make attending Mass dangerous to your safety or that of others, you are excused from the obligation. In such cases, if you are unable to attend Mass, the Church recommends making a spiritual Communion and spending time in prayer.
Remember that the Sunday TV Mass allows for those who are homebound to spiritually participate in the Catholic Mass. The Mass airs on Sundays from 10:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. on the WDCW (“The CW”). To locate which channel the Mass airs on in your area, please read this channel list. Many parishes, including St Agnes, are now livestreaming Sunday mass from their websites. Please see the home page for our livestream.
Adoration Chapel
Whenever the chapel may need to be closed due to inclement weather, an announcement of the chapel re-opening will be made when we have an indication that the various neighborhoods are clear and that sufficient people will be able to come safely to cover the various hours of the day.
Inclement Weather Policy for Saint Agnes School
Arlington County and the Principal will determine emergency closing of school. In the event of inclement weather, please listen to the radio or TV for announcements. Stations for school closing are WMAL (630 AM radio); WTOP (103.5 FM radio); WMZQ (98.7 FM radio); and WUSA (channel 9 TV).
If school is in session and the Arlington County schools dismiss early, St. Agnes School will also dismiss early. Parents will be notified of the early dismissal by means of radio and TV as well as the emergency phone tree facilitated by the room parent and email generated by the PTO secretary.
When school opening is delayed, the morning Extended Day session will delay opening until one hour before the announced opening time. If school closes early due to bad weather conditions, children must be picked up from Extended Day as soon and possible and not longer than 2 hours after the early school closing.
For the Religious Education program, in the event of inclement weather or emergencies, any unscheduled cancellation of St. Agnes Religious Education classes will be announced on WTOP (103.5 FM radio). (Please do not call the radio station about closings).