Video: Fr. Edlefsen explains St. Agnes’ Phase One Re-opening
Summary Points of Video on Reopening
Arlington County has entered Phase One of Re-opening after the statewide Covid-19 lockdown.
Sunday Masses have resumed with the following modified schedule:
5:00pm Vigil (Saturday)
8:00am Sunday
10:00am Sunday (also live streamed)
12:00 Noon
If you come to Mass, your safety cannot be guaranteed. Sunday Mass is non-obligatory until further notice from the Bishop.
Stay home if your age or health condition puts you at greater risk.
Safety precautions taken for St Agnes Sunday Masses during Phase One are as follows:
300 person limit per Mass (75 per entrance). Ushers will have head-count clickers.
Entry into the church is permitted no earlier than 20 minutes before Mass begins.
Facemasks required. Bring hand sanitizer and use before and after Mass.
Every third pew is available for seating. No seating in roped off pews.
No use of church’s center aisle
Doors kept open for circulation during Mass, though doorway entrances will be blocked off once Mass begins.
Disposable worship aids provided. No hymnals.
Pews disinfected between Masses.
How to receive Holy Communion:
Only priests distribute Communion
Come forward for Communion only when priest approaches the aisle nearest the block of pews where you are sitting. (Four Communion stations available, but not all at the same time).
Please receive in the hand.
When you approach for Communion, stand six feet away from the priest (as marked off); priest says “The Body of Christ;” you say “Amen;” approach the priest and put out your hand; step aside; pull down mask with empty hand; reverently place the Sacraments in your mouth; pull the mask back over your mouth and nose. And move on.
Receiving on the tongue is not preferable, as it entails breathing on the priest. But if you insist, you must kneel to receive on the tongue.
Priests will take 20-30 seconds to disinfect hands after every person who receives on the tongue or if he touches a hand.
Offertory collection will be taken up.
After Mass, proceed directly outside. Please do not use center aisle