Keep in touch and grow in faith throughout the week!

Sign up for one of our Word on Fire ENGAGE mini-courses to receive
short videos from Bishop Robert Barron via text or email and experience
the benefits of small group Bible study at your convenience.

What is Word on Fire Engage?

Word on Fire ENGAGE includes short videos and films that have been Emmy-nominated, aired on Public Television, and viewed by millions around the world.  Many people have described them as the most engaging Catholic videos they’ve ever seen.

What courses are being offered at St. Agnes?

  • The Mass (beginning August 2018) – Watch the trailer below.

What am I signing up for?

  • 30-minute videos with an optional study guide will be sent each week via email or text.  Enjoy at your leisure!
  • Online forum for Q&A moderated by Fr. Rich (with the option for private questions/conversations).
  • Potluck dinners will be offered every two weeks after the 5:00 PM Saturday Mass.  We hope you’ll join us for food, fellowship and faith discussion.
  • Digital streaming access to all of Bishop Barron’s films and videos!

How do I sign up?

Email Fr. Rich Miserendino at to join in.

Bishop Robert Barron’s “The Mass” – Trailer