An active Catholic is a person who cherishes the faith received at Holy Baptism, nourished through the Holy Eucharist, healed through the Sacrament of Penance, and strengthened through the Sacrament of Confirmation. An active Catholic embraces the teachings of the Catholic Church contained in the Word of God and in Sacred Tradition, and strives to live them. An active Catholic is registered in the parish, supports the mission of the Church with time, talent, and treasure, whether by worshipping at Holy Mass each Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation (except for illness or emergency), volunteering to serve the parish community in various ways, and supporting the parish financially, using Faith Direct or offertory envelopes. Active Catholic spouses and parents seek to help their loved one’s know Jesus, through prayer, Holy Mass, regular Penance, religious education, and charitable works.
Why is this important? Anyone who seeks to be a godparent or sponsor for the Sacraments of Baptism or Confirmation, or enter the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, or receive a Catholic Tuition Rate at School must first be verified as an active Catholic and parishioner.